The Phi Sonata is the king of safety. Extremely low enA but still has great performance.
The perfect glider choice for:
Students wanting the ultimate in passive safety.
Students prioritising an safety over performance.
Less co-ordinated students that want the maximum assistance from their glider.
Get ready for the big adventure!
The FANTASIA will inspire you!
Advanced technology, immense experience and development skills at the highest level enable a new level of safety and easyness.
Apart from the extraordinary security and the extreme simplicity of the FANTASIA, it has some special technical features for this class, like the only 3 suspension levels over most of the span. We have also banished any Dyneema lines (as well from the brakes) in order to achieve better trim stability. Due to the spartan structure, the FANTASIA is very light even in the robust 30D / 20D mix.
Performance doesn’t really matter in this ultralow class, but we found that we “can’t get rid of the performance, typical of our designs.” Due to the profile used and the very clean finish (zig zag 3D shaping), this simple wing still performs very well. FANTASIA rises extremely efficiently in thermals. It also glides remarkably well against the wind (the very stable profile used does not bank up).
Phi Fantasia
The very first promise of our sport hast still not been kept:
Easy and ultrasafe flying for everyone!
The FANTASIA is our contribution to finally delivering on this promise (after 35 years).
The FANTASIA is the wing for everyone: the people’s wing.Hannes Papesh