Tandem Trial Flight
A Tandem Trial Flight is the easiest and most fun way to discover the joy of paragliding. As a paragliding school it's our best tool to expand the sport, to share it with others and allow others to find out if it might be the sport for them.

You will take to the sky's on one of the most incredible coastal cliffs in New Zealand. You'll soar like a bird not just slowly descend like many other locations. You'll actually enter lifting air enabling you to maintain your height and even climb!
Because you'll be with a qualified, experienced instructor you'll have the opportunity to take the controls and find out first hand how incredibly easy paragliding actually is. (That's if you're keen and the conditions permit)
You'll start by driving to the Karioitahi beach car park then take a very scenic 15-20minute walk up the cliff onto takeoff. (Check the about page for directions) From there you'll launch and fly for 20 - 30minutes along the majestic coastal cliffs and learn how it all works. After the flight we’ll land back on top and then you can continue down in your own time. Many people choose to stay a while and watch the other pilots fly while they wind down from their own flight.
Bring, comfortable walking shoes, some food and water + sunscreen, a wind proof jacket and sunnies.
So go on, give it a try. It might just be the greatest thing you ever do.
Cost $180 or $150 per person for 2 or more.
Extra info:
There's a 150kg weight limit.
Call the evening before you want to fly after 6pm to check if the weather will be suitable for the following day and book yourself in. Sometimes it can take a few attempts before the weather gods cooperate with our desires.
We're looking for a nice light south westerly breeze.
Gift Certificates are available here.
Payment can be made in cash on the day, Internet banking the evening before or with credit card by purchasing a Gift Certificate online.